knowing Jesus
being known
making the Gospel known to others

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” - Psalm 133:1

Connect Groups are a key aspect of our church community. Regardless of our spiritual maturity or knowledge of the Bible, we all need community. Anyone and everyone is welcome!

We meet in smaller groups to connect deeper with Christ and with our community. To live spiritually integrated lives together. To pursue the joy of being known. Just doing life together! Most groups meet on a weekly basis with sermon-based materials from the Scriptures we study together on Sunday mornings.

This page will be updated as more groups become available.

For our heads, hearts & hands.

“Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship.” - Romans 12:1

A place to grow in our knowledge of God and His Word, our love for Him and one another, and to equip one another to serve those in need.

Open Groups

(while post groups are paused for the summer, here are a few that are still actively meeting.)

Click on a group to learn more & sign up!

Tuesday Nights

Monica Women’s Connect Group - Denville - 7:00PM

Wednesday Nights

Rupprecht/Rodriguez Men’s Connect Group - Budd Lake - 7:00PM

Considering joining a group but not sure where to start?
We’ll help you find one! Sign up below.

Considering leading a group of your own?
Let’s talk about it! Sign up below.

Other ways to connect:

At Commonplace Church, two of our essential core values are love and unity. While we strive to live this out every Sunday morning, we recognize that a church unified in love doesn’t only do church together, but rather does life together. While the ideal way to do this at Commonplace is through attending or leading a Connect Group, this certainly shouldn’t be seen as the only opportunity to connect with one another. Whether it’s a morning cup of coffee, a dinner party, a game night, an impromptu basketball game or a meet-up in the park for moms, the call to do life together as a family often happens in the most ordinary ways. With that in mind, the Open Invites group is open to anyone in the church and exists for you to both seek out opportunities to connect and invite others to connect. Inviting others to connect also presents the opportunity to live out the call to be on mission.