To proclaim the gospel in northern New Jersey
and the world beyond. To be passionate students
and followers of Jesus who make disciples.

Info Session Slides.

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Common Grace, Common Faith, Commonplace. Get to know about Commonplace Church - a church planted firmly in northern NJ.

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If this news surprised you, then join the club. It was a very surprising change, but a welcome one. Perhaps the only one who was not surprised is Jesus - Things, events…these changes in season do not take him by surprise. God has plans for us!

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Everything has an origin story, and we are no different. Our origin story begins with faithfulness, obedience, a good dose of uncertainty, and a desire to recall the origin of Church in The Book of Acts: What did the origin of the early church look like? How can we resemble those common men & women who had everything in common including and most importantly- The Gospel!

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This team has been spending some time together clarifying & crafting the vision of Commonplace Church. And the beauty of this team is that it is not an exclusive group of people- we know right now that God is stirring up and raising up others to be a part of Commonplace Church.

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When we look outward, when we look inward, and when we look upward, we want to be looking through the Gospel-centered lens of LOVE, UNITY, TRUTH, PASSION, DISCIPLING, SERVING, WELCOMING, AUTHENTICITY & TRANSPARENCY. Our lens for ministry, our lens for service, our lens for teaching, preaching and equipping the saints is based on these core values.

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Sunday Service.

Commonplace Church is more than a Sunday service, but Sunday mornings are vital to our mission - bringing God glory, elevating the name and work of Jesus and equipping and encouraging rescued people to go out and proclaim the Good News!

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What does the timeline look like for the launch of Commonplace? Well, first we are going to be commissioned out of Emergence Church (Easter 2021) and then we are going to continue to gather, but as a new church under the banner of Jesus. Then, we are going to trust God and work diligently to find a more permanent place to gather.

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There are activities or ministries that most people expect a church to have - After Easter 2021, you can expect Commonplace to have a good portion of the ministries that we’ve found to be helpful in the equipping of Christians of all ages. At launch, our plan is to add more.

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Service Areas.

A lot has changed over the last year, but we can assure you that God doesn’t change. Our identity in Christ doesn’t change and as people who are “in Christ”, we want to be people who step into that identity and demonstrate that identity through service. “I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you” - John 13:15

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We want to gather on Sundays and gather throughout the week across northern NJ, so that we can be equipped and build each other up (Iron sharpens iron!). We believe that connection is essential for us to grow as disciples of Jesus in our everyday lives - That connection happens in-person, but it also happens through the digital platforms that we make use of everyday.

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If you have questions, please reach out - you can pull us aside on a Sunday- before or after service or email us here:

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Get Involved.

We would love for you to prayerfully consider how you can get involved in the VISION and MISSION of Commonplace Church. Scan this QR code or click HERE to get more information on how you can get involved at Commonplace Church.